Rescue a Pet
Music warms our hearts and broadens our minds.
However, a loving pet can touch our soul for a lifetime. Please consider adopting a pet today and give him a second chance in life.

Jail Dog Emily was given a second chance in life on May 5, 2011. She went to her happy forever home fully trained by the Operation Second Chance program, located at the Gwinnett County Jail. Emily was saved from euthanasia by Operation Second Chance, and is a gentle, loving family pet. Please see the link to read about Operation Second Chance.

Jack was saved by the Society of Humane Friends from the local animal shelter. He was fostered in a private home, and brought to the local pet store on adoption days. Jack was adopted and went to his forever home September 9, 2008, where he still lives happily and is a wonderful family pet. Please see the link to read about Society of Humane Friends of Georgia.